Being skeptical of atheism
Ok, I once posted a something about myself being skeptical of the political opposition in Singapore. Today, I would want to try my hand on being skeptical of atheism. A few weeks ago, someone I know told me that he chose to be a religious skeptic so as to challenge all that he knows about religion and hopefully able to find some answers amidst all the disagreements. What I could not stand at that particular time is that he told me that he's being skeptic, but his argument was always leaning towards atheism argument. So I questioned myself, is being skeptical of religion necessary mean taking on an atheism viewpoint? I told myself not necessarily. And so I decided to think about the question of atheism. First, I would like to define atheism in my own terms. Atheism, for me, simply means a belief that does not believe in God. To bring it further, I would say a belief that has faith in contradicting faith. See the irony? But I'm not here to criticise on atheism, rather to express ...