Spare me!!!!

Something which happened recently kinda triggered me today. It's regarding the NKF saga, which I'm beginning to feel quite irritated about.

People are saying that 'as a charity organisation', they dun approve of the way they operate and they dun like the fact that the director is receiving so much money as their salary and they dun like the fact that employees are receiving so much bonus. People dun like their successes in fund raising and they dun like the extravagant way of their office and headquarters.

But then, do you view NKF as a charity organisation, therefore you dun approve of all these? To me, NKF is NOT a charity, it is a social enterprise, that's why I feel that it has a right to operate the way it was and has every right to do what it was doing. I feel that it operates in a way which all charity organisations should learn from. When they approach companies to sponsor them, they basically provide values for the companies. It becomes a win-win situation, which is how a business should be operated upon- something which brings values to both parties. To the employees and the directors or whoever working under NKF, working there is their passion, so the income they enjoy is their rewward for their passion. Since when the so-called 'charity organisations' cannot operate in a business-like manners? Who ever say that doing business is evil and unethnical? If people can apply business skills in operating charity organisation, then there wouldn't be so much difficulties to maintain an organisation like that. So in fact, NKF has been doing the correct things for the past few years, it's just that losers... yes, I class them as losers cos they are... really losers, who are so scared of going into a different mindset of operation, that they condemn NKF as blood sucking and dun knoe what. Well, come on lah, you are just scared of doing sales and business, and would rather go into begging people for donations.

People may not agree with me, but I really think tha the whole problem starts when NKF is being classified wrongly as a charity organisation. I believe that NKF is quite innocent enough to be dragged into the saga.... Sad for NKF.... and I can't believe that people will actually link the whole issue with the government just because it got a 'National' in its name. How dumb can Singaporeans be at times? Dun mean to criticise but I really think that it's time we start to reflect, if it's really right to pass comments without really going through or been through what the other parties have gone through or without finding all the facts?

I'll sign off from here. Till then, that's all, folk.


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