First analysis of myself with horoscopic perspective
优点是求知欲强 (true, I know I want to know and I have this burning desire to know more about things)、独立 (true, I tend to be independent as far as I can)、博爱 (hmmmm)、友善 (friendly... okay, I can be very friendly and if no one is hostile to me, I won't be hostile to people)、忠实 (loyalty wise, I tend to be loyal to my friends but as I said, it depends on how my friends treat me as well)、可靠 (reliability depends on my friends' assessment of me)、有创意 (creativity, it comes sometimes)、有远见 (far-sightedness depends on situation)、有智慧 (well, I'm an intelligent animal, right?)、思想新颖 (novel thoughts... sorta overlaps with creativity)、头脑敏锐 (sharp mind? hmmmmm)、善于观察 (observant... I tend to be quite observant of my surrounding.... due to my kayponess)、富有改革精神 (rebellious? okay... my ideas tend to be a bit rebellious and not conformed to standards at time)。
缺点个性怪异 (okay, I admit I can be weird sometimes)、过份执著 (Over-insistent is one of my traits)、标新立异 (hmmmm)、易夸大问题 (tends to exaggerate my problems but I will always try to find a way out)、固执 (Stubbornness goes with over insistent)、墨守成规 ((hmmmm)、不知变通 (hmmmm, am I that fixated and inflexible?)、过于理想主义 (true lah, I'm the idealistic type)、倔强 (I agree that I'm the type who will not be too willing to back down) 、偏激 (hmmmm)、叛逆 (hmmmm)、不合群 (Insociable?)。
性格因为天王星守护的缘故,水瓶座的人非常需要朋友的陪伴,感觉身旁的人都是朋友,甚至结婚也不会减轻其对友谊的重视程度,一旦被水瓶座人当成朋友,那么就会得到他们坚定不移的忠诚。 (I do agree that I desire the companies of friends)
水瓶人总是让人觉得仁慈、友善,给人的第一个印象是富有同情心和善解人意,但他们善于和别人保持距离,并且有些难以捉摸,一方面乐于助人,另一方面却又保持旁观者的超然,别人很难和他建立亲密的关系。 (This is one point which requires my fans and friends to judge. So what do you all think?)
在十二星座中,水瓶座可说是最理智的一个,对事物的观察可随时变更角度,把复杂的问题加以巧妙分析,并准确地预测可能的结果。 (It's true that I'm a logical creature.... maybe that's why I'm still single today?)
水瓶座潜存的顽固性,平时不易表露出来,给人的一般印象是柔和、舒畅的冷静及客观的观察力,积极而强烈的求知心,坚定的意志力和公正的判断力,然由于其刚正不阿的个性,极为厌恶逢迎巴结的小人姿态,具有公正无私的一面。这种硬梆梆的态度,容易被误解为薄情寡义,在不违原则的情况下,倒是不妨通融一下。因为过分的冷静和理智,就缺乏人情味,这对人际关系来说,影响颇大。 (I will leave it to my friends to judge me on that)
So this is the end of the first series of an Aquaric horoscopic analysis of myself.
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