
As everyone knows, I'm a year 1 FASS student in NUS, going to major in History, the most wonderful subject in the world. Some people say that it's boring. I will argue till the cows come home that it's not. Now, I finally found a piece of article which is going to help me along with it.

Source: This is the article

Just to quote from this piece of article:

History should be one of the most interesting subjects to learn since it chronicles the affairs of human beings - leaders and crooks - and recounts the things they did, or did not do, that changed lives and altered the fates of nations.

Although it is not exactly why I think history is interesting, it entails the feelings of all history lovers. Well....you must admit that there is very interesting lecturers in the history dept of NUS, compared to school teachers. At least we got 'ang moh' lecturers who can speak singlish.


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