I dun know why

I dun know why... The past few days had been quite happening to me... nothing exciting though.

Exam's finally over. I'm free for about 5 weeks. Not a long time, not a short time either. One good thing about this break is that it coincides with Christmas. Well... Christmas has been a special occasion for me, but dun be mistaken, I'm not a Christian. Just that... it's special to me, even more enjoyable than Chinese New Year, if you think of it, considering that I have to do 'house visiting' and such. At least Christmas I can go out with friends and see everyone having a good time. But then... I realised something a few days ago... that I need an answer why Christmas has been so special to me (not because of the stuff I have just mentioned).

In any case, it's not an answer which will come to me all of a sudden... but an answer which I have been waiting for years. Of course that is not THE question but then... well...


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