Accounting for idiots
Today is the first day of Chinese New Year and in case some readers are unaware, it is the first day of the new year in the lunar calendar (hey, I just realise there are foreign readers in my blog). Anyway, it's time to do some calculations on the amount of hongbao money I have collected for today... and they all amount to... $222 for the first day... Whoaz, what a nice number.
As usual, what happens today is so routine of CNY. Woke up in the morning to go fetch my brother at Changi Naval Base. After that, went off to the various temples. Luckily our dear dog is with us. I was entrusted with the responsibility to carry him, so that I dun need to be seen not burning the joss sticks and will be seen as I have finished my 'worship' already. Thankfully, I do not have to repeat yesterday's fiasco.
Evening saw another round of so-called reunion dinner. With more people and with more and better food. The YRC khakis as usual, arrived in my place... to set up their version of an integrated resort... Well, I could have joined them, and they are currently playing mahjong at my uncle's place, but somehow or rather, I'm not that interested in playing with my own money or in layman's term, gamble away my money, even in the name of fun. If I'm going to waste my money in such way, I might as well... well... use it for other purpose. I never wondered what's the fun with gambling and playing cards and mahjong these days... ok, I can understand mahjong, but cards?
Anyway, quite a few updates in the links, which you all might wanna take a look. And best wishes to all and hope that you all will have a good time catching up with your relatives and friends and also in hongbao collection too.
In any case, before I close off, this is an announcement to my dear brothers and sisters in NUS Unit A. I'm thinking of setting up a unit blog where we can post photos of our gathering and teachings of the individual caregroups online as well as announcements for the unit if any. Anyone interested in helping out can drop me a note, but this is not confirmed yet. Still have to tie things up with lady boss.
Here's a snippet of what I found in my friend's blog. View it in UTF-8. In the meanwhile, till I collect my money again...
As usual, what happens today is so routine of CNY. Woke up in the morning to go fetch my brother at Changi Naval Base. After that, went off to the various temples. Luckily our dear dog is with us. I was entrusted with the responsibility to carry him, so that I dun need to be seen not burning the joss sticks and will be seen as I have finished my 'worship' already. Thankfully, I do not have to repeat yesterday's fiasco.
Evening saw another round of so-called reunion dinner. With more people and with more and better food. The YRC khakis as usual, arrived in my place... to set up their version of an integrated resort... Well, I could have joined them, and they are currently playing mahjong at my uncle's place, but somehow or rather, I'm not that interested in playing with my own money or in layman's term, gamble away my money, even in the name of fun. If I'm going to waste my money in such way, I might as well... well... use it for other purpose. I never wondered what's the fun with gambling and playing cards and mahjong these days... ok, I can understand mahjong, but cards?
Anyway, quite a few updates in the links, which you all might wanna take a look. And best wishes to all and hope that you all will have a good time catching up with your relatives and friends and also in hongbao collection too.
In any case, before I close off, this is an announcement to my dear brothers and sisters in NUS Unit A. I'm thinking of setting up a unit blog where we can post photos of our gathering and teachings of the individual caregroups online as well as announcements for the unit if any. Anyone interested in helping out can drop me a note, but this is not confirmed yet. Still have to tie things up with lady boss.
Here's a snippet of what I found in my friend's blog. View it in UTF-8. In the meanwhile, till I collect my money again...
第二節課下課了,許多人都搶著到學校唯一的公共電話前排隊,打電話回家請媽媽送忘記帶的簿子,忘記帶的雜費,忘記帶的牛奶錢‧‧‧ ‧‧‧
一年級的課室就在電話旁,小小個子的一年級新生黃自強常望著打電話的同學發呆。他多麼羨慕別人打電話,可是他却從來沒有能夠踏上那只矮木箱,那只學校置放的、方便低年級學生打電話的矮木箱‧‧‧ ‧‧‧
這天,黃自強下定決心,他要打電話給媽媽,他興奮地排在幾個同學後面,焦急地捏拿著銀角,焦急地盯著打電話人的嘴巴,生怕上課鈴响,然而,“鈴‧‧‧ ‧‧‧”,上課鈴終於响起;前面的人放棄了打電話,黃自強便一步搶先,踏上木箱,左顧右盼發現沒人注意他,于是抖顫著手,撥了電話。
“媽媽,是我,我是自強‧‧‧ ‧‧‧”
“媽媽,我的數學測驗又得了一百分,老師送我一顆星,全班只有四個人得一百分呢‧‧‧ ‧‧‧”
“媽媽,我要去上課了,媽媽!早上我很乖,我每天自己穿衣服,自己沖牛奶,自己烤麵包,還幫爸爸忙,中午我去樓下張伯伯的攤位吃叉燒飯,喝一支可樂,有的時候买一粒肉粽‧‧‧ ‧‧‧”
“媽媽!我,我想你,好想好想你,我不要上學,我要跟你再一起,媽媽!你為什麼還不回家?媽媽,你在哪里?媽媽‧‧‧ ‧‧‧”
“Time. Two, fifteen and thirty seconds...”
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