The end of 21

Today marks the end of my 21st year of human existence and the beginning of my 22nd. Seriously, life passes by quite fast. To think that last year I celebrated my 21st birthday with Lilong alone in some ulu camp in an isolated air conditioned tentage and that I had previously celebrated my 19th during my BMT field camp, being tekan by my sergeant in the middle of powder bath. This year, however, proved to be a festival.

To begin with, the celebration started on 21 Jan, when my fellow NUS Unit A brothers and sisters celebrated with me at the Singtel building behind Somerset MRT. Quite a fun time we had and crazy Xinying and Kiadai actually made me act out my route to my faith, but then it was quite refreshing to refresh myself with the memories. For those who want to know more, my previous blog posts are filled with details. They also gave me a 'bowling ball' for a birthday card... and the cake was nice (well, made by Claire). Actually had a good time that day.

22 Jan was celebration with my YRC khakis, though they made it unprofessionally obvious that day but it was the thought that counts. Not as eventful as the previous day or the coming day, so nothing much to talk about anyway (hey, it rhymes).

24 Jan started with a series of SMS which keeps me from sleeping. To begin with, the first to sms was Lilong at 2359, followed by Edwin at 0000, Yanting at 0001, Pehlee at 0002, Qiaoping at 0009, Kenneth at 0731, Claramae at 0816, Joanna at 1441, Teresa at 1442 and Valane at 1931. That's all for SMS. But of course, while I was in school, a lot more friends gave me best wishes. Spent the first part of the morning doing QT with my CG, then afternoon had a good lunch at Munchie Monkey with Ruey Feng. Evening had a great KTV session with Qiaoping, Robert, Edwin, Jessie, Kenneth, Yanting, Eric and Claramae at PartyWorld Clementi. Before that, they dragged me to LT4 to give me a good 'sabo'... Really put my hands down for Edwin, for thinking of such an ingenius way of getting me to do 'forfeits'.

All in all, it was a good week of celebration for me. Wanna thanks all my brothers and sisters and all my dear friends for making this week possible.


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