Plugged in for last dash
This coming Tuesday will be the last day of my second semester in NUS and indeed time flies. In a few days, I will be year two and no longer a NUS freshman (Kenneth would have the same sentiment I think). It just seems like yesterday that I have went through the Gen Acts Matriculation package and it just seems like yesterday that I have received Christ and here I am, in E1A 03-05 alone guarding two classrooms, studying for the last paper of my second semester, which happens to be European history, some topic which I enjoy a love hate relationship with.
But last dash? Immediately after my paper, I will be embarking on a journey as a full time PAP activist and campaign full time for the candidate at my area. The contestant from the opposition does not pose any real threat but we still have to be careful and go all out to get the maximum number of vote. After that guy is someone who has experiences in winning elections, although that's all he can do. After election, then it will come matric and NYF, which I will be heavily involved if I'm being selected for NYF. It shall be a busy vacation for me, and I shall enjoy it as much as I can.
Just now, during my quiet time, I read this:
And I remember something I read a few weeks ago:
Now it seems that the bible has already prophesied the coming of athesism and alternative gospels, such as the Gospel of Judas which created so much hooha for the past few weeks. Currently, the situation is such that people are willing to listen to other alternatives which guarantee that it would not interfere with their current lives and also things which dispute the claims of Christ Jesus and the gospels. I wonder why, I wonder how.
Anyway, off goes and I have to go back to studies and my preparation for NYF, if I manage to complete that essay.
But last dash? Immediately after my paper, I will be embarking on a journey as a full time PAP activist and campaign full time for the candidate at my area. The contestant from the opposition does not pose any real threat but we still have to be careful and go all out to get the maximum number of vote. After that guy is someone who has experiences in winning elections, although that's all he can do. After election, then it will come matric and NYF, which I will be heavily involved if I'm being selected for NYF. It shall be a busy vacation for me, and I shall enjoy it as much as I can.
Just now, during my quiet time, I read this:
For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
- 2 Timothy 4:3-4
And I remember something I read a few weeks ago:
For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.
- 2 Corinthians 11:4
Now it seems that the bible has already prophesied the coming of athesism and alternative gospels, such as the Gospel of Judas which created so much hooha for the past few weeks. Currently, the situation is such that people are willing to listen to other alternatives which guarantee that it would not interfere with their current lives and also things which dispute the claims of Christ Jesus and the gospels. I wonder why, I wonder how.
Anyway, off goes and I have to go back to studies and my preparation for NYF, if I manage to complete that essay.
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