Of school restarting
I just realised something. If you guys have not realised, I have a tracker in this blog which basically track how many unique visitors are there in my blog every day and it compiles a list of datas about the visitors (other than their id) who reads my blog day in day out. When the holiday season began, my daily attendance, which used to average 20 per day, dropped to arond 5-7 per day. Now, the attendance rate rose back to the way it used to be during last sem (I added this tracker sometime before last sem started). My only conclusion is this: there are bo liao people from NUS, taking the same mod as me and who are as bo liao and bored as me, going into the ivle frequently dun know what to do and decided to click on the class roster to see who is taking the same mod as them and as the class roster reflects those who has put down their website or what, these bo liao people chose to click on the links and entered the blogs of people and began to read their blogs. This only happens during term time because only during term time you can view the class roster of that mod you are taking in the ivle. When holiday begins, the mod in the ivle will be wiped away and from then on, only people who have personal link with the blogs will frequent the blogs. The cycle repeats every sem. When the cycle starts, you know something for sure... that school is restarting....
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