All I need

All I need, Your Spirit Your Word Your Truth

Though I'm weak and poor, all I have is Your every single breath

Dire situations lead us to rethink about our position, our stand towards other things. We can choose to have faith and depend entirely on God to show us the grace to pull all these situations, or we can simply choose to complain... and sulk. In the end, we have to question what we really need and what we really have. I have Jesus in my life, isn't that more than enough? What else then, what else then? I dun know what the other people want. It always seems that people want a lot of things - money, fame, success, grades, blah blah blah. Sure I want them too, but that's another side issue. The main issue is that whether how much focus we are placing all these things in our life? Sometimes, and even worst still, some people have no focus. In whatever ways, are we prioritising the right thing?

Recently I have been thinking a lot about BGR, BBR, GGR, or whatever R you have. Ben asked me an excellent question: what are we really looking for in a relationship, which God and the people around us and our family cannot fulfill and we have to look out in another girl/guy? God is in my life, so, I shouldn't feel lonely when I'm alone, since God is forever my companion. And since we cannot really 'see' God in a physical sense, God has also made sure that I have a cg!!! I have a cg to take care of my needs, to act as an integral part of the spiritual family around me in church. Most definitely, what needs do I really have which this cg of mine, or even the church cannot fulfill? I dun think so. Well, then what do other people look for in a relationship? I dun know. Maybe some view the bed as the final destination. To make it simple, I'm not going to deliberately look for a girl in order to fulfill my primal needs, my emotional needs, my whatever needs.

I belong to You


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