
Just now I was playing guitar at the stairs of E1A. Then someone from Cellulite (the group of people who were occupying another room) came along, with a bible. Then he saw me and asked me whether he can join in with me to PnW God. I agreed.

He's from the Church of my Saviour. In fact, the whole group of Cellulite... now you wonder why they are called Cellulite... your guess is as good as mine.

And we PnW together.

And we sang some praise, some worships. In the midst, some of the Cellulite members came in and take a look what we are doing.

Hmm... so that's quite amazing... to be actually PnW with someone from another church other than my own, somemore it's with someone I dun know previously.

The power of Jesus to tie all His disciples up together is so amazing...


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