Comfort and strength
Scorn has broken my heart and has left me helpless; I looked for sympathy, but there was none, for comforters, but I found none.
- Psalm 69:20
Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me
within your mighty hand
When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are god
Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust
When pain comes and inflict in our lives, we ask, 'what's the meaning of all these?' Pain, when it's physical, leaves scars that can be removed by advanced medical help. When it's emotional, it takes forever to heal, not even the most advanced of psychology can help. When pain becomes spiritual, there's only one way.
When we ask about the meaning of pain, why must we go through all these s*** and yet there is no answer. Many a times, we looked the wrong place. Many a times, we look at ahead of us, we look behind us, we look out. We see nothing. There is nothing. Trust me, you won't even see God.
'Wait a minute!!! Huanyan said I won't even see God????'
Yeah, you are not mistaken. When you reach the ending line of it all, you won't see God. So how?
Believe me I'm not crazy. The answer comes from Jesus' last word on Earth
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age
- Matthew 28:20b
Yes, you ask. He's with you, then why I can't see Him as I walked towards whatever place I go...
Recently, certainly a lot of things have happened to a lot of my friends. For one, this period is one when I heard the most number of deceased cases among my friends and friends and friends. Often, when we are in despair, we hope for comfort, we hope for miracles, we hope for whatever that can give us strength. Many a times, many a people need comfort and strength to go on. Some can get over it after a while. Some despaired at the lack of hope. Some despaired why God is not there. Some used this to argue that because nothing happened, God does not exist. Some argued that because after the whole thing, he dun see God, so He dun exist. Even for Christians, I believe when tough times come, even the most faithful may have doubts. Somehow, do you find that you just can't find God.
But surely He's with you always...
It's because He's not waiting for you there. It's because He's not leaving you behind. It's because He's with you, by your side, carrying you, that you can't see him. Remember the footprint story? Cos in times of down, God carries us...
Remember, He's with you always, surely. And you can see Him, only when you look down...
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