A new semester

A new semester, a new year ahead. A brand new experience as a honour history student.

Let's review a bit on my week so far (though it's only tuesday)

HY4218 - I volunteered for the presentation next week. I chose to do so to clear all my presentation as early in the semester so that I can go for my mission trip and LC in peace. The course is non-examinable and the lecturer is nice. The only problem I have with the module is that it tends to get a bit too theoretical with Japanese history. And the readings are a bit chim.

HY4210 - This is a good module with good discussion and potential. Today we discussed about the three schools of thought regarding historiography and malaysian history. My presentation should be taking place in week 11. God bless me cos think got a lot of deadlines here.

HY4101 - The essay due with the same time as the essay due for HY4210. The module looks 'siong' and the lecturer's expectation quite high. But overall, I have been reading up on historiography and maintained a rather 'healthy' interest in this area. My presentation's at the end of the month before I depart for HK. Doing with Yokes and gang. So dun think it will be too bad.

I expect HY2242 and HY3238 to be better as they should be better. Looking forward to the coming lectures. Hail to history!!!


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