Our everything

They reenacted this video in the Christmas eve service. I never failed to get amazed by this video.

Somehow, out on Christmas eve, I have missed out on another Christmas party somewhere near my home with another dear group of friends. I doubt they will ever read this for the past few months. Yet, there are two groups of people whom I can join for Christmas celebration on Christmas eve - with my cg and brothers and sisters in church or with this group of dear friends. My choice was obvious. For the past few years, it has been obvious also. I have said this for many times, but going for carolling is whole different plane altogether. I felt that I am directly blessing people on the street, compared to attending some self-contained Christmas party. And that's the case for me. My friends might find me a bit of goner or just off the board. But the thing here is that I dun want to be forever trapped inside the RC forever struggling to live as a Christian. I defaulted this year's gift exchange with them as I realise, that I have neither gold nor silver and yet they will not receive what I have.

Not a Christmas party that has no Christmas element, but a Christmas celebration appropriate for the occasion.


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