Is there not a cost?
Is there not a cost in serving God? Is there not a cost in wanting to do great things for God? Take a look at this:
Is there not a cost? Take another look at this:
Is there not a cost in doing God's will? Now this:
Nehemiah was opposed vis scorn and violence and threat in his rebuilding of the city wall. Job was tested by Satan. Paul was persecuted, stoned, flogged, and finally beheaded. Peter was crucified upside down. How come I can identify with them?
When someone stands up and say 'let's go and build something', someone will stand up and say 'let's go and destroy'.
Christian life is not a rosy one, especially for those who want to serve God with one whole steadfast heart, with one that refuses to compromise with God's values and standards. The world will definitely at some time stand up and obstruct our effort. I cannot fathom but think about this, that I can identify with that, despite the environment that I encounter. What else would that missionaries in other countries, the closed countries, be encountering?
Is there not a cost? There is a cost. Seeing the people who served their hearts out over the centuries makes me wonder what the modern world has done to the believers on the road. No offence but really, is studies, career and BGR all there is to life? What is God's burden? Come on, tell me what is God's burden? I tell you, the answer is in the youtube video I posted earlier. I can only think of the time when Jesus said that He came not for the righteous but the sick.
I begin to think of what Paul said in Acts 20:24. 'However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.' God's burden? For the slaves to sins, not the slaves to righteousness. Have not people realise? Have not the so-called followers of Christ realised? I seriously think that the world is sick of seeing Christians who profess themselves to be Christians but live like the rest of anyone everyone. At least I'm a bit tired of it. Is God really that unworthy to serve for that you can proclaim to the world that you want to concentrate in your own studies and career?
I was just watching Bruce Almighty. A lot of biblical puns and I enjoy it a lot. But what I was touched was God's tenderness towards Bruce Nolan. In His entire interaction with Bruce, He really treated Bruce as His creation, perfect in His eyes. Morgan Freedman really acts well in this role. I just wonder, as His creations, we sometimes whined like spoilt kids but have we really done anything for Him, as our Father, as our creation? What is it that we are lacking?
There is a cost in serving Him. Results? I seriously think that some of my peers in church would have gotten better results if they had not served Him as hard as they had. Career? I think Wenjiang would have been earning much more better than he does now if he had not chosen to give his time fully to the Lord. Life? Jesus said that for those who loses their lives for His sake will gain it. Look at Jim Elliot. Personal lifestyle? Habits? Desires? There is a cost! And there will be a cost. Serving God is a physically zero sum game. We cannot serve both our desires and God together. What use is it for a man to gain the whole world if he were to forfeit his soul? Serving God is a physical zero sum game, we cannot have our share of the pie and yet still eat the other portions.
Nehemiah wants to build a wall in Jerusalem and his adversaries wanted to destroy it and stop him from doing so. Paul wanted to spread the gospels and his enemies plotted against him, sort of like what Jesus experienced.
Hillsong sang the song 'Hosanna'. The bridge is a powerful one:
God's burden. Can we just simply lay aside all our stuff, and come before God, and ask Him to share His burden, to break our hearts from what breaks His. Are we able to sing with full conviction, that everything we have, everything we are, these are for His Kingdom's cause.
Is there not a cost? Yes, there is a cost.
Are we ready for the cost?
lliot and Fleming arrived in Ecuador on February 21, 1952, with the purpose of evangelizing Ecuador's Quichua Indians. They first stayed in Quito studying Spanish, and then moved to the jungle. They took up permanent residence at the Shandia mission station. On October 8, 1953, he married fellow Wheaton alumna and missionary Elisabeth Howard. The wedding was a simple civil ceremony held in Quito. Ed and Marilou McCully were the witnesses. The couple then took a brief honeymoon to Panama and Costa Rica, then returned to Ecuador. Their only child, Valerie, was born February 27, 1955. While working with the Quichua Indians, Elliot began preparing to reach the violent Huaorani Indian tribe which were known at the time as the Aucas.
He and four other missionaries, Ed McCully, Roger Youderian, Pete Fleming, and their pilot, Nate Saint, made contact from their airplane with the Huaorani Indians using a loudspeaker and a basket to pass down gifts. After several months, the men decided to build a base a short distance from the Indian village, along the Curaray River. There they were approached one time by a small group of Huaorani Indians and even gave an airplane ride to one curious Huaorani whom they called "George" (his real name was Naenkiwi). Encouraged by these friendly encounters, they began plans to visit the Huaorani,without knowing that George had lied to the others about the missionaries' intentions. Their plans were preempted by the arrival of a larger group of 10 Huaorani warriors, who killed Elliot and his four companions in a sudden and brutal attack on January 8, 1956. Elliot's mutilated body was found downstream, along with those of the other men, except that of Ed McCully. - Source, wikipedia
Is there not a cost? Take another look at this:
When they heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him. But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. "Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God."
At this they covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices, they all rushed at him, dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul.
While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Then he fell on his knees and cried out, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." When he had said this, he fell asleep. - Acts 7:54 - 60
Is there not a cost in doing God's will? Now this:
Nehemiah was opposed vis scorn and violence and threat in his rebuilding of the city wall. Job was tested by Satan. Paul was persecuted, stoned, flogged, and finally beheaded. Peter was crucified upside down. How come I can identify with them?
When someone stands up and say 'let's go and build something', someone will stand up and say 'let's go and destroy'.
Christian life is not a rosy one, especially for those who want to serve God with one whole steadfast heart, with one that refuses to compromise with God's values and standards. The world will definitely at some time stand up and obstruct our effort. I cannot fathom but think about this, that I can identify with that, despite the environment that I encounter. What else would that missionaries in other countries, the closed countries, be encountering?
Is there not a cost? There is a cost. Seeing the people who served their hearts out over the centuries makes me wonder what the modern world has done to the believers on the road. No offence but really, is studies, career and BGR all there is to life? What is God's burden? Come on, tell me what is God's burden? I tell you, the answer is in the youtube video I posted earlier. I can only think of the time when Jesus said that He came not for the righteous but the sick.
I begin to think of what Paul said in Acts 20:24. 'However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.' God's burden? For the slaves to sins, not the slaves to righteousness. Have not people realise? Have not the so-called followers of Christ realised? I seriously think that the world is sick of seeing Christians who profess themselves to be Christians but live like the rest of anyone everyone. At least I'm a bit tired of it. Is God really that unworthy to serve for that you can proclaim to the world that you want to concentrate in your own studies and career?
I was just watching Bruce Almighty. A lot of biblical puns and I enjoy it a lot. But what I was touched was God's tenderness towards Bruce Nolan. In His entire interaction with Bruce, He really treated Bruce as His creation, perfect in His eyes. Morgan Freedman really acts well in this role. I just wonder, as His creations, we sometimes whined like spoilt kids but have we really done anything for Him, as our Father, as our creation? What is it that we are lacking?
There is a cost in serving Him. Results? I seriously think that some of my peers in church would have gotten better results if they had not served Him as hard as they had. Career? I think Wenjiang would have been earning much more better than he does now if he had not chosen to give his time fully to the Lord. Life? Jesus said that for those who loses their lives for His sake will gain it. Look at Jim Elliot. Personal lifestyle? Habits? Desires? There is a cost! And there will be a cost. Serving God is a physically zero sum game. We cannot serve both our desires and God together. What use is it for a man to gain the whole world if he were to forfeit his soul? Serving God is a physical zero sum game, we cannot have our share of the pie and yet still eat the other portions.
Nehemiah wants to build a wall in Jerusalem and his adversaries wanted to destroy it and stop him from doing so. Paul wanted to spread the gospels and his enemies plotted against him, sort of like what Jesus experienced.
Hillsong sang the song 'Hosanna'. The bridge is a powerful one:
Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I walk from earth in to
God's burden. Can we just simply lay aside all our stuff, and come before God, and ask Him to share His burden, to break our hearts from what breaks His. Are we able to sing with full conviction, that everything we have, everything we are, these are for His Kingdom's cause.
Is there not a cost? Yes, there is a cost.
Are we ready for the cost?
hey dear bro, thanks for ur heartfelt sharing. it's very thought-provoking, and it's very true. tks for sharing yet once again... it's impt to keep reminding us abt the price that Christ paid for us on the cross - and to remind us that we shouldn't shortchange our Saviour.
ReplyDelete"This is our God, the Servant King
He calls us now to come follow Him
To bring our lives as a daily offering
Of worship to the Servant King..."
Yup, I chose to serve God with all that I have, and sacrificed an honours degree because of that. I reckon some ppl would have said that I'm not glorifying God by not getting a degree. Well, I know I gave it my best shot - and missed. What does it matter, in the final analysis?
I've lost an honours and gained God's honour. :)
Yup! Together with you bro, wherever He goes, let us follow Him even unto the end! amen!