Heal the wound

I first listened to this song in a service not long ago. It's a nice song, not only nice, but also meaningful. The lyrics continue to remind me how much grace and mercy has been shown to us by Jesus. Indeed, the meaning behind the scars on Jesus' resurrected body, it remains a reminder to us of the deed that we have done to Jesus. Whenever we sin, we crucified Him once more time on the cross. But yet, when His blood flows on the cross, the chain that sin has on us is gone, that we are no longer slave to sin but slave to righteousness.

I wonder what really transpired when Jesus said this in John 20:

Then he said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe."

The scars continue to remain proof of our sins, and continue to remain proof of His resurrection. Yet it also remains a proof of hope. That we can find hope in scars. Strange it may seem. But every wound leaves a scar. It make sense, especially if it's deep enough. Some may not be that obvious, some may leave scar which recovers, but some scars continue to be there. Scars of emotional hurt?

Coming this Saturday is Valentine's Day. I wonder how many lonely souls out there can I find? I wonder if I ask the crowd, 'you ever got dumped on Valentine's Day', how many yes' would I get? I sure know of someone who got dumped on New Year's Eve. But it's the broken soul that needs healing. That's why God is our healer. But the scar is there, as His scars continue to remain.

Connect the dots.


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