Has been a month... some thoughts
It has been a month since I last posted. I have been wanting to post but I was too busy. But here's some thoughts from what happened over the last month.
Holy Communion What is holy communion? Holy Communion, or also known as the Lord's Supper, was instituted by Jesus during the Passover meal before the night of His trial and crucifixion.
When we are partaking the Holy Communion, it was a holy and sacred time which significance was only appreciated by the believers.
As such, the time that we partake the Holy Communion is sacred and holy. It is a time when we ought to examine ourselves and repent of our sins. However, I get quite pissed off when some people tell me that the Holy Communion elements are holy and therefore cannot be treated lightly. I totally disagree with that and I shall point out why I disagree. It's just like telling me that we should not desecrate the Sabbath because the Sabbath is holy... The Holy Communion elements are not holy for their own sake and therefore not as 'holy' as people supposed them to be. Just like men are not made for the Sabbath, men are not made for the Holy Communion as well. The elements are holy precisely because of the time when we partake the elements, and they are not holy by themselves.
Yet, I shall reserve my comments about treating the elements lightly outside of the partaking time since it is wise that we do not, though it is not a sin. Why? The bible tells us not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in our brothers' way. If by doing something that is not sin will result in stumbling other people, then it is wise and right that we do not do it. I argue that Holy Communion elements should not be treated lightly outside of Holy Communion time because of this. People who do not understand fully the significance of the time might get stumbled and the meaning of the Holy Communion might get diluted if we dun treat the elements properly. But once again, the elements are not holy for their own sake.
Oppositions and politics Once again, this is one of my favourite topics in my blog. What about oppositions and politics? I was just thinking the other day, would the oppositions be too overrated in Singapore and in all around the world? Is the government being held too much in hostage by people who claim that they can switch allegiance whenever they like if they find that they can't get what they want from the incumbent government? I saw this guy... if I had not had my wisdom tooth extraction, I would have given him a telling off. He appealed for his son's admission to RP and came telling everyone he got connections in MOE and RP and blah blah blah and he is unhappy with how the MPS handles things, as if got connections very big like that. He said that he has a brother who is a Chairman in one of the RCs (????) and I was like... yeah, so? MY auntie also wah, then very big lah? I think while government and politics should take concerns of the people's problems and deal with them, the people had to think about it themselves if they are being the fickle minded selfish voters who take politics by the throat. I personally think that some people are like that.
Looking at the situation in Thailand now... I simply can't believe it. What's wrong with Thaksin and his gang? Or rather, what's wrong with all these people? Man... I dun think I should comment it any further.
Exam classrooms/Wartime HQ I just want to say that NUS should make up their own mind on what classrooms they want to reserve for students to study for their exams and stop posting up available classrooms only to have the students found out that the classrooms will be used for lessons.
Church and salaries I think too much hooha has been made about church staff and pastors' salaries. Yes, I'm commenting on the recent NCC salary saga... if that ever be considered as a saga at all. What's wrong with pastors receiving a lot of money as salary and what's wrong with church having their members contributing a lot of money for church purposes? In fact, let's do a bit of basic calculations. Before that, one thing to take note, a church survives on the tithes and offerings from the congregation... so if the congregation is big, of course the collection of tithes and offerings would be a substantial amount.
Assuming a congregation of 20,000 people (yes a mega church example). Each member earns a salary of $2000 per month. They only tithe $200. So 20,000 x 200 = $4,000,000. Assuming that the senior pastors earn only 1% of the total collection of the tithes = $40,000 per month, which makes him about $480,000 per year. Now, is that reasonable? Now, I dun know how many people NCC got or the population composition in the church, but another thing that people normally missed out, if a church can collect millions from an offering, who contributes the most? If everyone gives in proportion, then most likely the richer ones would be giving more.
Another simple calculation. Assuming a church with 20,000 people again. This time, assuming that there are 100 business people in the church whose business earns annual profits of millions. Assuming these businessmen just take about $100,000 from their business every month. That makes their total tithe 10,000 x 100 = 1,000,000 every month. And I think my estimate is on the low side. But if the church collection of the monthly tithe remains at 4 million, then it means that 25% of the money comes from these 100 people. What is the point I'm trying to make here? My point is that in a church where the congregation gives faithfully, much of the contribution will always come from the richer people, especially if it's a mega church.
My conclusion is that people should stop complaining about pastor salaries and church monetary collection from tithing and giving. Of course, I need to qualify that the churches should and must be transparent about the way they handle their finances because it's God's money. But I seriously think that people and the population should stop making a fuss just because they see a huge amount of money from the church.
Holy Communion What is holy communion? Holy Communion, or also known as the Lord's Supper, was instituted by Jesus during the Passover meal before the night of His trial and crucifixion.
When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. And he said to them, "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God."
After taking the cup, he gave thanks and said, "Take this and divide it among you. For I tell you I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes."
And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me."
In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. But the hand of him who is going to betray me is with mine on the table. - Luke 22:14-21
When we are partaking the Holy Communion, it was a holy and sacred time which significance was only appreciated by the believers.
Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep. But if we judged ourselves, we would not come under judgment. When we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world. - 1 Cor 11:27-32
As such, the time that we partake the Holy Communion is sacred and holy. It is a time when we ought to examine ourselves and repent of our sins. However, I get quite pissed off when some people tell me that the Holy Communion elements are holy and therefore cannot be treated lightly. I totally disagree with that and I shall point out why I disagree. It's just like telling me that we should not desecrate the Sabbath because the Sabbath is holy... The Holy Communion elements are not holy for their own sake and therefore not as 'holy' as people supposed them to be. Just like men are not made for the Sabbath, men are not made for the Holy Communion as well. The elements are holy precisely because of the time when we partake the elements, and they are not holy by themselves.
Yet, I shall reserve my comments about treating the elements lightly outside of the partaking time since it is wise that we do not, though it is not a sin. Why? The bible tells us not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in our brothers' way. If by doing something that is not sin will result in stumbling other people, then it is wise and right that we do not do it. I argue that Holy Communion elements should not be treated lightly outside of Holy Communion time because of this. People who do not understand fully the significance of the time might get stumbled and the meaning of the Holy Communion might get diluted if we dun treat the elements properly. But once again, the elements are not holy for their own sake.
Oppositions and politics Once again, this is one of my favourite topics in my blog. What about oppositions and politics? I was just thinking the other day, would the oppositions be too overrated in Singapore and in all around the world? Is the government being held too much in hostage by people who claim that they can switch allegiance whenever they like if they find that they can't get what they want from the incumbent government? I saw this guy... if I had not had my wisdom tooth extraction, I would have given him a telling off. He appealed for his son's admission to RP and came telling everyone he got connections in MOE and RP and blah blah blah and he is unhappy with how the MPS handles things, as if got connections very big like that. He said that he has a brother who is a Chairman in one of the RCs (????) and I was like... yeah, so? MY auntie also wah, then very big lah? I think while government and politics should take concerns of the people's problems and deal with them, the people had to think about it themselves if they are being the fickle minded selfish voters who take politics by the throat. I personally think that some people are like that.
Looking at the situation in Thailand now... I simply can't believe it. What's wrong with Thaksin and his gang? Or rather, what's wrong with all these people? Man... I dun think I should comment it any further.
Exam classrooms/Wartime HQ I just want to say that NUS should make up their own mind on what classrooms they want to reserve for students to study for their exams and stop posting up available classrooms only to have the students found out that the classrooms will be used for lessons.
Church and salaries I think too much hooha has been made about church staff and pastors' salaries. Yes, I'm commenting on the recent NCC salary saga... if that ever be considered as a saga at all. What's wrong with pastors receiving a lot of money as salary and what's wrong with church having their members contributing a lot of money for church purposes? In fact, let's do a bit of basic calculations. Before that, one thing to take note, a church survives on the tithes and offerings from the congregation... so if the congregation is big, of course the collection of tithes and offerings would be a substantial amount.
Assuming a congregation of 20,000 people (yes a mega church example). Each member earns a salary of $2000 per month. They only tithe $200. So 20,000 x 200 = $4,000,000. Assuming that the senior pastors earn only 1% of the total collection of the tithes = $40,000 per month, which makes him about $480,000 per year. Now, is that reasonable? Now, I dun know how many people NCC got or the population composition in the church, but another thing that people normally missed out, if a church can collect millions from an offering, who contributes the most? If everyone gives in proportion, then most likely the richer ones would be giving more.
Another simple calculation. Assuming a church with 20,000 people again. This time, assuming that there are 100 business people in the church whose business earns annual profits of millions. Assuming these businessmen just take about $100,000 from their business every month. That makes their total tithe 10,000 x 100 = 1,000,000 every month. And I think my estimate is on the low side. But if the church collection of the monthly tithe remains at 4 million, then it means that 25% of the money comes from these 100 people. What is the point I'm trying to make here? My point is that in a church where the congregation gives faithfully, much of the contribution will always come from the richer people, especially if it's a mega church.
My conclusion is that people should stop complaining about pastor salaries and church monetary collection from tithing and giving. Of course, I need to qualify that the churches should and must be transparent about the way they handle their finances because it's God's money. But I seriously think that people and the population should stop making a fuss just because they see a huge amount of money from the church.
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