Can God create a rock that He can't move? - My answer

Can God create a rock that He can't move Himself? This is an interesting question. I wonder what people will think if I give a straight 'no' with a straight face. Previously, me and another brother were discussing about this question, but I would like to give this question a try, after reading answers given by different people.

First of all, look at what the question is asking about. This question inherently question on the issue of omnipotency. The assumption behind this question is that an omnipotent God can do everything. The question breaks down upon knowing this assumption. How?

The most obvious flaw in the logic is in the word 'everything'. I was chatting with a christian friend last night and she was like quoting me that with God, everything is possible. Being the historian that I am, I saw that this verse can be easily misunderstood or abused without proper context. But can God really do everything? We have to bear in mind that the bible never mention that God can do all things. We know that He can't do a lot of things, like sinning. So not all things. As a result, this assumption breaks down, which means that the question breaks down along with it.

As such, we realise that the key lies in understanding the question and understanding the nature of God. At a logical level, the question breaks down in that you cannot create something that refused to be created in the first place. So the object and the subject of the question contradict each other and therefore the law of non-contradiction rules this question as an illogical question. Moreover, the proper understanding of omnipotency is, to put it simply, God cannot make mistakes and must be right at all time. So He cannot contradict Himself.

So the straight forward answer is no! And no it shall be. A proper understanding of God is necessary in order to understand the nature of such question. It creates a weighted dice in measuring the existence and ability of God that is not grounded in common logic and biblical knowledge.


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