
I honestly felt inspired to post up some thoughts about today's sermon on Intentional Discipleship. I agree with the issues raised by Ps Jeff over the sermon about us being the disciple and the disciple maker.

Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations...

When Jesus gave the Great Commission to the disciples, He asked them to go and make disciples. I am not going to say a lot about this, but I note that He did not ask them to go out and convert people. Disciple is the keyword. Discipleship is the key thing, though salvation is the first step. But our Christian walk does not stop with salvation, it continues with discipleship.

I was just thinking, how does discipleship link to relationship with God? Many things but I think it shall suffice for the purpose of this post to mention that discipleship is a direct reflection of our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. As believers, we can choose to or not to be discipled and just live our lives as just a believer. But the bible was not given just for believers, it's written and given with discipleship in mind. Us being discipled by another disciple directly reflects how much we want to follow what is being written in the Bible.

So we need to be intentional disciple and disciplemakers. I just wonder, is there such a thing called accidental disciple? Hmm...


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