Opposition unity? My foot!
Kenneth Jeyaretnam, who is the secretary-general of the Reform Party, said: "It is an uphill struggle fighting the PAP (People's Action Party). So more opposition unity is a good thing."
Mr Chiam added: "We cannot be like little ants running all over the place. We should show unity and come with a solid fighting force." - CNA
I am super skeptical about this for one reason: talking about opposition I see opposition fragmentation. The only reason why the opposition parties are united as alliance but not merging into one party is because they cannot settle and agree on their fundamental ideology. This is going to be detrimental for Singapore even if the so-called 'united front' can topple PAP or even win a GRC. I would anytime prefer a strong opposition party rather than a strong opposition alliance. An alliance simply reveals their true intention rather than their 'noble' intention.
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