Reflecting on 4.5 years of being a disciple
Ok, the ID2010 conference just ended yesterday, with a family day at Yio Chu Kang Stadium. Certain reflections came to my mind even as I went through the three days of intensive time with God, listening to His word and be ministered by His Spirit.
Looking back at my Christian life, I was actually quite amazed by how God has brought me through all these years as a disciple. It may sound self-flattering but it seems true today that right from day one, I have approached this whole walk as a disciple, whether I knew it or not, with being a disciple maker in mind, whether I was conscious or not. As people would know, my favourite verse (or one of those) has always been 'but seek first His Kingdom and righteousness'. As I look back, it seems quite clear (and I dun know why) that I was concerned with the Kingdom of God.
The journey was truly amazing and heart-ranching. It was not smooth. No disciple of Christ will tell you that it is a smooth sailing journey. It would have been a lie, that's out of touch of reality.
Perhaps my journey can best be depicted by pictures:
Well, I was young then, things were not as convincing as it is now. But everyone's journey of being a disciple (at least for me) starts from the first step: being made a disciple.
Perhaps one of the most memorable periods of my Christian discipleship journey, because it was my formative year. It was during this period when I was discipled to serve, and there were great people around setting good examples that laid a good foundation for me.
Yes, the NUSA3 before the big restructuring. It was always interesting to note that in my 4 years in NUS, I only had 1 restructuring. My 1 year in YG I saw 4 restructuring...
I show four pictures to indicate that this is the cg that I was in for the longest period of time. With the formation of SMU group, it ended with me and 5 sisters. I was asked once by my Christian classmate, who saw me having cg next to the history honours room once, why was I leading a group of sisters and wouldn't they feel weird. I replied, "no... they should feel privileged to have me leading them' =_=
But that marked the end of my NUS journey. It was a marvelous journey of discipleship making and discipleship for the 3.5 years. I had a vision when I first began to lead NUSA1 that everyone who 'graduated' from that cg should go on to other cgs and become a strength and support for their respective CLs. It wasn't clear then but now it seems that things were falling into places. I have three in the SMU group, one a senior member, two rising up to become CLs, three in the NUS group with two being a support to their respective CLs (while they were in Singapore), two in YG with one being a core team and one showing her desire to grow to be a CL. It was only by God's grace that this was happening in their lives, considering how 'cui' the cg was when we first started.
This marked the start of my YG journey as a young grad disciple. Started off as a transitional CL, leading a transitional group for three weeks or so. It was weird though.
A particularly interesting cg, for the very fact that I was only there for 2 months or so. Talk about transition. I was eventually moved over to another cg... I think my leaders see me as someone who is highly adaptable. Actually, I felt I was merely moving over from one comfort zone to another, abeit more sisters...
I wished that I have the photo of a fuller YGC2 photo, but that's the best I can find currently. Yes, it ended up as me being the only guy again (how sad was it)
I chose to depict my journey as a disciple and a disciple maker as such cos cgs are the foundation that we grow as a disciple and disciple maker. It is in cg that we are sharpened by one another and hone our skills and capabilities to disciple other people, although strictly speaking, I normally shepherd people from other cg since I moved over to YG.
And yes, in YG, I think the time right up to the last photo had been a good time for me to reflect through certain issues in my life and for me to take a good break from leadership (though not too far, since I was still leading the usher team). I began to take on more sheep (2 super cerebral and intellectual ones). And I realise that I began to grow in speaking into people's lives and began to make sense of the discipleship process...
All these without even ID2010.
And that's why I was so amazed by the conference. It was not as if God was telling me something new, and those are what I have been doing so far, but the ID2010 journey served to concretise what I have been doing and it helps me to make sense of my journey so far.
As of now, it only serves to convict me that I should continue to consider my life worth nothing, for finishing His work is what I eat, doing His will is what I drink, seeking His Kingdom is what I do and completing the race what He wills. Amen.
Looking back at my Christian life, I was actually quite amazed by how God has brought me through all these years as a disciple. It may sound self-flattering but it seems true today that right from day one, I have approached this whole walk as a disciple, whether I knew it or not, with being a disciple maker in mind, whether I was conscious or not. As people would know, my favourite verse (or one of those) has always been 'but seek first His Kingdom and righteousness'. As I look back, it seems quite clear (and I dun know why) that I was concerned with the Kingdom of God.
The journey was truly amazing and heart-ranching. It was not smooth. No disciple of Christ will tell you that it is a smooth sailing journey. It would have been a lie, that's out of touch of reality.
Perhaps my journey can best be depicted by pictures:
Perhaps one of the most memorable periods of my Christian discipleship journey, because it was my formative year. It was during this period when I was discipled to serve, and there were great people around setting good examples that laid a good foundation for me.
I show four pictures to indicate that this is the cg that I was in for the longest period of time. With the formation of SMU group, it ended with me and 5 sisters. I was asked once by my Christian classmate, who saw me having cg next to the history honours room once, why was I leading a group of sisters and wouldn't they feel weird. I replied, "no... they should feel privileged to have me leading them' =_=
But that marked the end of my NUS journey. It was a marvelous journey of discipleship making and discipleship for the 3.5 years. I had a vision when I first began to lead NUSA1 that everyone who 'graduated' from that cg should go on to other cgs and become a strength and support for their respective CLs. It wasn't clear then but now it seems that things were falling into places. I have three in the SMU group, one a senior member, two rising up to become CLs, three in the NUS group with two being a support to their respective CLs (while they were in Singapore), two in YG with one being a core team and one showing her desire to grow to be a CL. It was only by God's grace that this was happening in their lives, considering how 'cui' the cg was when we first started.
This marked the start of my YG journey as a young grad disciple. Started off as a transitional CL, leading a transitional group for three weeks or so. It was weird though.
A particularly interesting cg, for the very fact that I was only there for 2 months or so. Talk about transition. I was eventually moved over to another cg... I think my leaders see me as someone who is highly adaptable. Actually, I felt I was merely moving over from one comfort zone to another, abeit more sisters...
I wished that I have the photo of a fuller YGC2 photo, but that's the best I can find currently. Yes, it ended up as me being the only guy again (how sad was it)
I chose to depict my journey as a disciple and a disciple maker as such cos cgs are the foundation that we grow as a disciple and disciple maker. It is in cg that we are sharpened by one another and hone our skills and capabilities to disciple other people, although strictly speaking, I normally shepherd people from other cg since I moved over to YG.
And yes, in YG, I think the time right up to the last photo had been a good time for me to reflect through certain issues in my life and for me to take a good break from leadership (though not too far, since I was still leading the usher team). I began to take on more sheep (2 super cerebral and intellectual ones). And I realise that I began to grow in speaking into people's lives and began to make sense of the discipleship process...
All these without even ID2010.
And that's why I was so amazed by the conference. It was not as if God was telling me something new, and those are what I have been doing so far, but the ID2010 journey served to concretise what I have been doing and it helps me to make sense of my journey so far.
As of now, it only serves to convict me that I should continue to consider my life worth nothing, for finishing His work is what I eat, doing His will is what I drink, seeking His Kingdom is what I do and completing the race what He wills. Amen.
wow... such an encouraging photojourney. God has been good to you, bro! let's cont to spur one another on towards love and good deeds! see you at the finishing line, uncle! haha...