New Year Resolutions Part 2

So this is the year of sound-mindedness, and I am still not as sound minded as I would hope to be. The past year, I have been accumulating a lot of knowledge, albeit theological and philosophical in nature. I dun know since when, but it seems that I have became known as an intellectual in church. Somewhere along the line, I also became adept in teasing out inconsistencies in other people's theology and learned to be more critical in the books and materials that I have been receiving, and thus as a result, I have also begun to question some of the teachings and doctrines that we have been teaching so far. All these are not to undermine but to strengthen, I hope, that we can continue to be a biblically grounded church.

With more knowledge, I reckoned that there are more things to be learned and unlearned. More books that I have to finish reading and start reading. For a start, I have finished reading GK Chesterton's Orthodoxy, and I need to begin reading and complete the 5 views of Apologetics, Christian Apologetics, Kingdom of the Cults, Intro to Philosophy: a Christian perspective and revise Reasonable Faith and the other books on apologetics I have read thus far. More to come, and I hope to read them are the list of books that I have listed here in this blog.

More to be done, I will also need to build up on my knowledge on relationships and apply them (I mean relationships both in the general sense and in the romantic sense). Being in the YG community, one challenge is to help myself and the people to understand God's stance on relationships and to live out a relational life that honors God. This applies to all the relationship that we may be pursuing. I am in this stage when I need to be more pro-active in teaching myself these so that I can better disciple my people.

There are other more thoughts about my new year resolutions, but I will leave at here for the time being.


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