YG Camp
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you..."
A few months back, in one of the YG CL retreat in the church office, we conceptualised the idea of a camp to ignite some fire and passion among the YG people on missions and church planting. The YG people, a group of young adults who just graduated from university, are in their prime age when they can do something for God, like on church planting and going overseas to fulfill the Great Commission. That's the DNA of the whole entire Hope International Ministry. Our vision is to build Christ centered disciples to plant biblical and vibrant churches all over the world in our lifetime. We believed that the people in YG have the potential to fulfill this mission.
Over the past few days, we finally had the camp in Stansfield Residence. For one, I do feel that the camp will spark a spiritual revolution in the heart of the people who would be attending. It was a camp that has no other known precedence among the participants, as we planned it to be a more experiential form of learning rather than holding teachings after teachings. And indeed, the participants had to endure numerous unexpected situations throughout the whole camp, and they heard from people who were out in the field.
I have to admit, that in this camp, where the setup was pretty rudimentary and scale that was smaller than what the rest of the people have seen, it was a camp when the presence of God was tangibly present. In the PnW, it was evident that God was touching the people. In the teachings and sharings, it was evident that God was challenging the people. People did respond. People did step forward. And I was thinking... all the troubles that me and my team had to go through... if it could result in one participants eventually going out to plant a church, it would have been worth it.
It would have been worth it...
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