Not of the world

D.L Moody told an interesting testimony in his book: Men of the Bible and I think it's worth retelling here.

There was a great celebration at the opening of a saloon and billiard hall in Chicago, near where Moody lived. As a joke, the organisers sent Moody an invitation to go to the opening. He took the invitation and went down and saw the two men who had the saloon and asked them:

'Is that a genuine invitation?'

They said it was.

'Thank you,' he said, 'I will be around; if there is anything here I don't like I may have something to say about it.'

They said, 'You are not going to preach?'

'I may.'

'We don't want you. You won't want you in.'

'How are you going to keep me out?' he asked; 'there is the invitation.'

'We will put a policeman at the door.'

'What is the policeman going to do with the invitation?'

'We won't let you in.'

'Well, I will be there.'

In the end, Moody told the two men that he will compromise the matter if the two men will get down their knees and let him pray for them. And they were on their knees. Moody prayed to God to save their souls and smite their business. Within three months of the incident, one of them was converted.

The bible reminds us that while we are in the world, we are not of the world. This incident, to me, seems to be a very good example of how this can really work out.


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