God of Creativity

I am currently sitting in a very inspirational course on creativity. The speaker, to my surprise, is actually a lay pastor trained in theology who is currently earning his keep through training people in creativity and other stuff. Because of this, it got me thinking about creativity in biblical context. I actually started to look at his teachings during the course in a different light, in the sense that I began to evaluate the stuff against biblical standard to see if he is in line with the bible. This is a bad habit of mine, especially when I know that the speaker is a believer.

First start, I think it is probably safe to establish that God is the God of creativity. In Colossians 1:16, it says that 'for in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him.' This means that no matter how creative we are, in terms of coming with new ideas or rearranging old ones, God is the mastermind behind all these. After all, the fact that he can create the heaven and the earth shows me that nothing on earth is beyond Him. (C'mon, who on earth can envision a Earth which can house life except God?)

I did a quick mental scan of the bible with regards to how God can inspire us to be creative. I had no time yet to dig deeper into this but there are some instances where you know God inspired creativity in individuals. For example, in Genesis 30, Jacob was able to overcome Laban's feint to keep him working for him by using peeled branches to ensure mating sheep and goats gave birth to streaked, speckled and spotted young. In 1 1 Kings, we also saw how Solomon was able to apply his wisdom in deriving a smart way to solve the case where the two women were fighting over the child. I am sure there are more instances in the bible that await to be unravel.

What does knowing that God is the God of creativity really means in our lives? I wonder this at times, especially during this course. Perhaps the one step to being salt and light in this world is to be creative, to be God's conduit to create or rearrange things for His purpose and glory. After all, all things are created for Him. When this translates down to applications, I have every reason to believe that this means if there are issues in the application of biblical principles in our lives, we get creative in thinking how to solve the problem. This may also mean that we sit down sometimes, when we see certain issues in the society or around us and start thinking of ways to solve and tackle them. Take for example, in the recent church building fund campaign, we saw the number of ways that people did in order to raise fund for the church building. The principle is the same, to build God's house, but the method may be different and the application on how to build it, and how to raise funds can be different as well.

Perhaps also means that in LG context, for team bonding, we can engage in weird and silly ideas, instead of the normal ones. Or we do stupid things (not devoid of purpose) during LG to communicate a message?

Thousands of applications perhaps. Perhaps time to be creative about the applications?


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