Reflecting 2012 Part 2

Looking back at 2012, I think another big highlight of 2012 would be my second trip to Japan. That would prove to my final mission trip for the year. And I would have thought that God was done with me on Japan till later on. Apparently, the 'done with' part may last shorter than I expected, but it is true that God is done with me on mission at least during this season of my life, as I begin my studies.

As I look back to Tono and Watanoha, what do I see there? I saw the need for God in a country which had missed its chance to turn to God a few centuries back. But honestly speaking, which countries had really turned to God in any case? It is the people who turn to God. The question we thus have to ask ourselves, wherever we are, is whether we are bringing people closer to God, locally or overseas?

Looking back at 2012... more to come


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