Our understanding of God must not be based on presumptions about Him or on what we want God to be like. Instead, we must believe in the God who is and who has chosen to reveal Himself to us in Scripture. Human beings tend to create fictitious gods that are easy to believe in, gods that conform to their own lifestyle and sinful nature. This is one of the marks of false religion. Some Christians even fall into the trap of ignoring the self-revelation of God and begin to develop a concept of God that is more in line with their personal whims than with the Bible. - Russell E. Joyner
And I must say, this is a fairly accurate picture of what we see today in church. How many times do we see people walking into church to worship, only find themselves worshiping the God that they made up in their mind, rather than the God who is described and revealed in the Scripture? And hence, I highly suspect a lot of people lose their faith, or fall away from God precisely because of their experience that does not conform to their own image of God.
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