
我的名字 刻劃在祢心中
我的臉孔 深映在祢眼中
不是因為 我勢力才能
乃是因著 祢奇妙寬容恩典

雖然有時 我會跌倒軟弱
祢卻一直 包容不放棄我
用祢慈愛 緊緊的擁抱
我讚美祢 寶貴奇妙大愛

唯有祢配得 所有的讚美
主 祢的十架 是無價至寶

I was listening to this beautiful song the whole night as well as trying to figure out how to play this song on the guitar. For some reason, I have a certain liking for songs that sing of our weaknesses and God's greatness. Perhaps it is precisely due to our weaknesses that God's glory is so evident in our lives. 


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