I realised that my rate of writing has slowed down a lot. Perhaps most of the writing energies have been channelled to my studies in school and those weekly forum posts that I post. Actually, come to think about, I kinda miss the days of discussion over IVLE during my NUS days. Perhaps the concept is foreign to most of my classmates, but I think the discussions over the forum in my modules have not been very engaging. Perhaps also because most of them are busy with their day jobs that they find it hard to participate in the forum discussion. But how much I miss the days of sparring over ideas and thoughts in the forums. I remembered during the days when I was taking Film and History, I scolded another forum mate for thinking that the Da Vinci Code is history. I remembered how I was in turn being chided by Brian Farrell over the forum during my Total War days. The days when I was taking these modules, we had interesting discussions over forums. Thus gone the days. But the exchange...