The Waiting Game II
Today I must say that I was a bit caught aback by the sermon. Ps Jeff preached from Acts 11:19-26 on the characteristics of the Antioch church. Towards the end of the sermon, he repeated his points from last week, that in order to do supernatural pioneering, we need to make room for God and to flow with the Holy Spirit. And the one thing to do in order to make room for God is to wait. Wait. For a moment, I was really stunned to the point of tears. Because to wait on God was the last and perhaps most important lesson that God taught me or made me realise in 2013. And at that particular kairos moment, I thought it all made sense why. God needed me to learn how to wait so that I can make room for Him as we embark on a supernatural pioneering journey. An epiphany which I have not had for quite some time from sermon. Thank God for pulling all these threads together. This has made me more confident and assured that any future pioneering works that I will be embarking on are not goi...