
Showing posts from March, 2007


神到底是什么? 只是为柔弱的人为了获得心灵寄托,而自己创造出来的偶像? 只是这样子吗? 如果是这样,我可不想相信这么一个神。 我要信的神,不是人所创造出来的神。 我信的神,是个活生生的神。他曾在我们当中,走过我们走过的路。他完全可以明白我们人世间的痛楚。 他名为耶稣。他就是我信的神。


今天在教会里听到了一些道理,深深地感触了我的心。Jasmine 在讲道时说了些话。她拿了圣经彌迦书第三章第一到第十二节,来说明如果我们对上帝的话语做出了妥协,那么我们将无法得到上帝的揭示。她叫教会里的精神领袖如果我们的校园部要成长的话,我们绝对不可以对上帝的话语与指示做出妥协。我深深能体会到这一点的重要性,因为国大部的成长正是我心中最牵挂的一件事。看着国大的弟兄姐妹们,我真的希望上帝能给我们带来更高一辰的成长。要不然。。。可能以后真的会没有国大部。。。 而成长一定要有人来带动,而这些人就是渴望看到国大部成长而不及一切地想为此部寻求更多的突破,不对上帝的话语做出妥协的弟兄姐妹。我想,我自己想,我渴望着有一天可以看到国大一百的成立,但是如果我们没有足够的精神领袖,那么就算是有一百个人,那么谁来照顾与看顾这些人的精神成长? 今天,打保龄球突破了自己,打出了182分,赞!! 但是我能像这样继续着在自己的精神成长取得突破吗?对于此事,我也只能交托给上帝了。 阿门。

Nostaglia III

Whitney: Many nights we prayed, with no proof anyone could hear In our hearts a hopeful song, we barely understood Now we are not afraid, although we know there's much to fear We were moving mountains long, before we knew we could Chorus: There can be miracles, when you believe Though hope is frail, It's hard to kill Who knows what miracles, you can achieve When you believe, somehow you will You will when you believe Mariah: In this time of fear, when prayer so often proves in vain Hope seems like the summer birds, too swiftly flown away Yet now I'm standing here, my heart so full I can't explain Seeking faith and speaking words, I'd never thought I'd say Chorus: There can be miracles, When you believe (When you believe) Though hope is frail, It's hard to kill Who knows what miracles, You can achieve (You can achieve) When you believe, somehow you will You will when you believe Bridge: (Both) They don't always happen when you ask And it's easy to giv...

Why should we care

为何要关心? 自己都已经忙到半死了,还要去关心别人?但是上帝并不那么认为。 他在马太福音第二十五章第三十五节到第四十六节说: ‘ 当 人 子 在 他 荣 耀 里 、 同 着 众 天 使 降 临 的 时 候 , 要 坐 在 他 荣 耀 的 宝 座 上 。 万 民 都 要 聚 集 在 他 面 前 。 他 要 把 他 们 分 别 出 来 , 好 像 牧 羊 的 分 别 绵 羊 山 羊 一 般 , 把 绵 羊 安 置 在 右 边 , 山 羊 在 左 边 。 於 是 王 要 向 那 右 边 的 说 : 你 们 这 蒙 我 父 赐 福 的 , 可 来 承 受 那 创 世 以 来 为 你 们 所 预 备 的 国 ; 因 为 我 饿 了 , 你 们 给 我 吃 , 渴 了 , 你 们 给 我 喝 ; 我 作 客 旅 , 你 们 留 我 住 ; 我 赤 身 露 体 , 你 们 给 我 穿 ; 我 病 了 、 你 们 看 顾 我 ; 我 在 监 里 , 你 们 来 看 我 。 义 人 就 回 答 说 : 主 阿 , 我 们 甚 麽 时 候 见 你 饿 了 , 给 你 吃 , 渴 了 , 给 你 喝 ? 甚 麽 时 候 见 你 作 客 旅 , 留 你 住 , 或 是 赤 身 露 体 , 给 你 穿 ? 又 甚 麽 时 候 见 你 病 了 , 或 是 在 监 里 , 来 看 你 呢 ? 王 要 回 答 说 : 我 实 在 告 诉 你 们 , 这 些 事 你 们 既 做 在 我 这 弟 兄 中 一 个 最 小 的 身 上 , 就 是 做 在 我 身 上 了 。 王 又 要 向 那 左 边 的 说 : 你 们 这 被 咒 诅 的 人 , 离 开 我 ! 进 入 那 为 魔 鬼 和 他 的 使 者 所 预 备 的 永 火 里 去 ! 因 为 我 饿 了 , 你 们 不 给 我 吃 , 渴 了 , 你 们 不 给 我 喝 ; 我 作 客 旅 , 你 们 不 留 我 住 ; 我 赤 身 露 体 , 你 们 不 给 我 穿 ; 我 病 了 , 我 在 监 里 , 你 们 不 来 看 顾 我 。 他 们 也 要 回 答 说 : 主 阿 , 我 们 甚 麽 时 候 见 你 饿 了 , 或 渴 了 , 或 作 客 旅 , 或 赤 身 露 体 , 或 病 了...

Nostaglia II

The afternoon today was very bright, And the evening is going to become night It's not me who want to be in this plight. Just that I don't want to lose the fight. To my love I want to say you are right To say that I have never properly see the light. So shall we start again this time And make sure this time we make it right. It's not my intention to make this poem rhyme But sometimes if I dun do that I'll die. Sometimes I dun really know why. Is this what I really what I should write? Today is a sad day Because I know there is someone out there who cannot smile. Why is it that people just refuse to see the beautiful morning sunray And prefer to look at the night and call me 'siao'. I know this is lame, But sometimes I just want my blog to be like that Since this is slowly becoming my aim And I know that this is just all an act. I was reading through this poem I posted a long time ago, that was before I received Christ, and possibly sometime after I entered NUS. ...

三言两语 壹

面对着屏光幕但不知要该如何开笔。 心里的感触几深一下。 这两个礼拜来还真的不简单。生活不知可不可以简简单单呢? 但不简单的生活,让上帝带给我们人生一个不平凡的意义。我是真的想把感触写下来,但又不知从何说起。 我想了又想,摸索了不知多久,实在不是三言两语可以说的清,要不然会对上帝有点不公平。 我只可以说,只有当我们生命陷到了谷地,才是我们感到上帝真实的时候。

杀手的告白 叁

今天在那想着宗教在新加坡的影响。 有个宗教领导说: 宗教是为了让人们得到心灵的需求,都是朝着同一个方向走。很想叫他去放屁,但是有点不好。我的见解呢? Using SCIM to type Chinese is a tiring chore, but will soon get used to it. This religious leader, whom I shall not name and I shall not divulge which religion he represents, said that all religions fulfill the same purpose by fulfilling the spiritual needs of the people. That is said in the context of CEP. So is it really so? I tell you people. it's not so simple. But I'm not interested in sparking off a debate at this stage, so I will leave it at here, to leave you all think more deeply into the issue. What interests me more, is that on my way to Ulu Pandan CC today, I was thinking about the impact of Jesus in this world, other than the personal lives which were and are and are in the process of transformation. For one, the way we look at our calendar, this is 2007 A.D. Some people use 2007 C.E. But who are we kidding? Even if you use C.E, you are still adhering the way by which the year is being count...

Bo liao

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you leave a comment on this post: 1. I'll respond with something random about you 2. I'll challenge you to try something 3. I'll pick a color that I associate with you 4. I'll tell you something I like about you 5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you 6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of 7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you 8. If I do this for you, you must post this [post] on your blog --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I find this funny stuff in one of my friends' blog. So decided to do a market test to see if this works. Likelihood that it works in this blog is near zero, though I know I got tonnes of readers

Why read the bible

I was blog touring and I happened to come across this from someone's else blog. So think it will be great if I can share this with my readers Why Study the Bible? From - To read the greatest story ever told, the story of Jesus Christ. - To find moral and spiritual guidance for your life. - To learn God's way of forgiveness and eternal life. - To build lasting moral values for your children. - To read the stories of courageous women and men of faith. - To discover God's everlasting love. - To learn the universal principles of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. - To build a storehouse of knowledge of Christian faith. - To gain lasting principles of ethical conduct. - To discover God's principles of marriage and family life. - To build hope for the future. - To gain strength to face live's difficulties with faith and trust in God. - To meet God personally through Jesus Christ. - To develop habits of daily worship. - To b...

Blessed be Your Name

Blessed Be Your Name by Matt Redman - - - Blessed Be Your Name In the land that is plentiful Where Your streams of abundance flow Blessed be Your name Blessed Be Your name When I'm found in the desert place Though I walk through the wilderness Blessed Be Your name Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to praise When the darkness closes in, Lord Still I will say Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be Your name Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be Your glorious name Blessed be Your name When the sun's shining down on me When the world's 'all as it should be' Blessed be Your name Blessed be Your name On the road marked with suffering Though there's pain in the offering Blessed be Your name Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to praise When the darkness closes in, Lord Still I will say Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be Your name Blessed be the name of the Lord Blessed be Your glorious name Blessed be the name of the Lord Blesse...

杀手的告白 二

这是用 SCIM 写出来的 Blog post. 杀手的告白,只是我用来吓人的手笔。 只是 SCIM 真难用。 有一点不习惯。 因为如此,有话下次再说吧。 杀手就在此告别了。

Of me and my shepherd

That day me and Ben went up to explore an abandoned railway track (for those who take 151, the one at the canal after or before Sunset Way, depending the direction you are travelling). The danger was not about suddenly a train ran past us, the danger was the opposite... it has not been used for quite a long time. As such... the bridge, as seen in the pictures, was rusty, and the wood on the track had decayed... making it a dangerous fall if we do fall. We saw a lot of things, a lot of plants there, which were maintained by somebody out there. But the pictures only show the bridge... but if you want, feel free to explore yourself.

Faith, Hope, Love II

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. - 1 Corinthians 13:13 At the end of the days, there is only three things that will remain, faith, hope and love. Indeed, these three are what we can hold on to in times of trouble for they last forever. Faith in who God is and what He can do. Hope in God's plan and salvation for us from this fallen world. Love as in God's love for us. 因为有望,有信,有爱,我们才可供度难关,面对生命的波折。