The workers are few - a HR perspective
These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.- Luke 10:2 (NLT) I was just thinking about this verse while I was in the toilet handling my normal business (ok, not exactly the place to describe here). Then this verse came to my mind. What really prompted me to meditate on this verse suddenly was the recent reports on AIDS patients and mental patients dying alone in hospitals or elsewhere. I read one mental patient spending 45 years in a mental institution before dying alone, with no one visiting him over that long stretch of time. And I started thinking where is the church? Then I realised that was the wrong question to ask. I should be asking where are the workers? The workers are few, but why? As an analyst working on HR issues in the government, I think we can afford to peep at the verse through a HR lens to see what can we uncover on the possibl...