Is there?
How to create misundearstanding? Wow, a question no one would be crazy enough to ever go in depth with. But today, since I have already established myself as a mad person, I think it's an interesting question that rose out of a casual discussion with one of my friends. But I would like to touch on misunderstandings of the affairs of the heart. A lot of you all should have experienced something like this before: a person suddenly appears into your life and this person treats you so nice. In animal sense, there is two interpretations. Interpretation A: This person treats me so nice, so I must be a god/godess. Interpretation B: This person treats me so nice, so he/she must be a god/godess. In normal human sense, and I mean really normal human sense, there are two interpretations. Interpretation 1: This person treats me so nice, so he/she must like me. Interpretation 2: This person treats me so nice, but he/she is a friend. There can be a lot more interpretations but to outsiders, it m...