As I said
'On the eve of an important exam, will you cater to your best friend's need, provided that he/she is desperately in need of someone to help, or will you heck care and study for your exam?' I mentioned this in my last post. A dilemma which I got from one of my friends' online journal. Basically test our so-called '义气' or loyalty. What will you do? I think there is nothing more important than friend. What's exam when your best best friend is in trouble. Exam will only get you a piece of paper, what friends bring to our life is something much more. My friend chose studying but my choice is pretty clear at the moment. I came across an interesting article today while I'm looking through all the blogs that I can find. The article can be found here What the article is basically talking about is badmouthing people in blog can land you in trouble. Basically, what I feel is ... who cares? Teachers ought to understand that when they enter the industry, their behav...